
Media coverage

  • Parallels Coming to the 2014 Macworld Expo

    Since its founding in 1985, the Macworld Expo has become the most influential Apple ecosphere in the world. The exposition, with the theme of "defining the future with innovation", will be o

    2018/01/12 0

  • HP's HP R & D enterprise was finally stranded by Apple

    Beijing time on August 14th, according to foreign media MacRumors reports, people familiar with the matter said that apple and IBM jointly marched into the corporate market, so that competitors felt a

    2018/01/12 0

  • Oculus set up a VR team in London

    Since the acquisition of Oculus for $2 billion in 2014, Facebook, a social platform giant, has been in the forefront of the development of VR. With the development of the market, VR in the United Stat

    2018/01/12 0

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